Cross-cutting: Analysing progress under the Anticipate, Absorb and Reshape pillars

Already initiated in 2016, the Initiative is analysing progress under the Anticipate, Absorb and Reshape pillars, in line with its second function. By providing the first global analysis of the state of play on climate resilience capacity, this work contributes to raising the profile of the importance of climate resilience. This work includes the baseline study completed by the Yale Center for Environmental Law and Policy in early 2017 on the global state of progress in terms of capacities for early warning–early action, climate risk insurance and social protection, and integration of climate resilience into national development planning. Furthermore, by drawing links to existing goals and targets, this work highlights the synergies in climate resilience action under the UNFCCC Paris Agreement, the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction and the Sustainable Development Goals.

Cross-cutting: Contributing to the implementation of the ‘Blueprint for Action’ for El Niño and Climate and supporting its implementation

Following the end of the mandate of the Special Envoys on El Niño and Climate, the UN Climate Resilience Initiative aims to contribute with the continuity of implementation support for the ‘Blueprint for Action’ for El Niño and Climate. The Blueprint guides governments in countries adversely impacted by El Niño/La Niña and other predictable extreme weather events, to catalyze and inform national plans to prevent such events from becoming humanitarian disasters and to strengthen climate resilience. The Blueprint adopts the conceptual framework of the Anticipate, Absorb, Reshape pillars. Ethiopia, Honduras, Mozambique, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Timor Leste and Vietnam have confirmed ‘early mover’ pilot implementation of the Blueprint approach from March 2017, while Botswana and Zimbabwe have expressed interest in acting as ‘early mover’ countries.

Cross-cutting: Promoting innovation for climate resilience - Collaborating with the MIT Climate Co-Lab

A2R promotes innovation for climate resilience in collaboration with the MIT Climate Co-Lab, a crowdsourcing platform that harnesses collective intelligence for enhancing climate resilience on the ground through online competitions.

Cross-cutting: Strengthening support for climate resilience in risk-prone countries/regions

The A2R Initiative accelerates climate action by enhancing the synergies between disaster risk reduction, climate change adaptation and the SDGs. Working with UNFCCC, the NDC Partnership and climate finance partners is important to advance climate action at scale especially in most vulnerable countries such as LDCs and SIDS. In close support to the NDC partnership, A2R will facilitate support to countries to implement climate resilience NDCs for most at risk sectors.